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181610 European Commission DPS for Communications Services (COMM/B2)


European Commission Directorate-General for Communication
Lead buyer


INTRODUCTION TO DPS for Communications Services

The European Commission, assisted by its Directorate General for Communication and referred to below as the contracting authority, is planning to award contracts resulting from the above mentioned Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).

The procurement documents consist of the contract notice, the DPS specifications and the draft contract with their respective annexes. All documents are accessible via the link provided below.

Economic operators interested in this procedure are invited to submit an application on the Negometrix platform in one of the official languages of the European Union.

The present DPS has the following categories:
  • Category 1 Media planning and buying
  • Category 2 Media planning consultancy and benchmarking
  • Category 3 Creative services and products
  • Category 4 Editorial services and products and translation/linguistic adaptation
  • Category 5 Events and conferences
  • Category 6 Gadgets
  • Category 7 Strategy and research

In the application you can choose for which categories you want to apply. You can choose one or more.

The DPS is conducted in two stages. In the first stage, Candidates apply to the DPS and if successful become a participant to the DPS. In the second stage, the Contracting Authority shall organize Mini-Competitions by virtue of which Contracts shall be awarded to the winning tender.

In order to submit an application, pose a question, or read the published questions and answers, you will need a free Negometrix account available by clicking on 'Register Company' in the right sidebar.

B2 - DPS Communication Services (3).zip 5619 Kb


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