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(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

150516 European Commission DPS 2 for Professional Services Related to Cloud Services (CLOUD II DIGIT A3 PR 2018 035)



CLOUD II DPS 2 was the Dynamic Purchasing System launched by the European Commission aiming to procure professional services related to cloud services and general information systems. 

CLOUD II DPS 2 was published on 26/5/2020 and ended on 25/5/2024 according to the details found in the relevant Contract Notice (available on TED).

The sucessor to CLOUD II DPS 2 is the PROSERV DPS hosted in Mercell. Economic operators interested in the PROSERV DPS can find more information at:

Procurement documents (CLOUD II DPS2 - 16.04.2024).zip 6413 Kb


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