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153037 Open Market Consultation - Voice Recognition and Response


Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (LVNL) http://www.lvnl.nl
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Mark Bottinga




Company profile
LVNL is a Dutch independent administrative organisation that is responsible for providing air traffic services to civil air traffic in the Dutch airspace in a safe, efficient, and environmentally sensible way. In the Dutch Aviation Act this and all other tasks of LVNL have been laid down. Besides the provision of air traffic services these tasks consist of the provision of CNS services (including the modernization and management of these technical systems), giving aeronautical information, catering for air traffic control training and providing aviation charts and publications. In short, LVNL is responsible for the control of air traffic in the Dutch civil airspace as well as parts of the North Sea area and everything related thereto. LVNL became operational in 1923 and since 1993 as a so called "Independent Administrative Body (ZBO)".

Purpose marketconsultation
LVNL seeks your valued advice regarding a variety of subjects in order to prepare a possible call for tender  scheduled to start in 2020. LVNL invites you to respond to a number of questions.

The VRR Market Consultation Document and annexes describes the objectives and the rules applicable to the Open Market Consultation (OMC) of LVNL. The OMC aims to inform market operators regarding a possible future upcoming procurement of automation services for usage by air traffic controllers of LVNL. 

LVNL seeks information regarding innovative solutions for the automation of pseudo-pilot tasks to improve efficiency, i.e. to reduce personnel costs, increase available training time and offer more flexibility in planning, starting from simulators to the operational domain. In order to achieve this automation, the emulation of operators and radar data is needed. In this regard, the emulation of voice will play an important role for the use of simulators:
  1. Basic simulator;
  2. Tower simulator;
  3. AAA simulator. 

The OMC also aims to understand the operators' capabilities to satisfy LVNL's needs and to obtain market parties' input on the viability of the possible future envisaged procurement plans and conditions as described in this OMC and related documents.

Please note, the VRR Market Consultation Document and annexes that form an integral and inseparable part of the document can be found under Questionnaires --> 1. Open Market Consultation - Voice Recognition --> 1.1. VRR Market Consultation.

In conducting this Open Market Consultation, LVNL benefits from assistance offered under the EAFIP-initiative (www.eafip.eu), which is supported by the European Commission Directorate-General Communications Networks, Content & Technology (DG CONNECT).
Published on:
12 Jun 2020 15:56


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