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195045 Helium-flow Precooling System (geen geldige inschrijving)


Universiteit Maastricht http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Bianca Müller

+31 (0)43 3882222



General information Maastricht University
Maastricht University (UM) is known in the Netherlands and abroad for its unique education system: problem-based learning (PGO). UM also distinguishes itself by its strong international orientation. An increasing number of students from all over the Netherlands as well as from abroad opts for the Maastricht system.
UM is the youngest university of the Netherlands and growing fast. It currently has approximately 20.000 students and 4.600 employees.
Education and research at UM are mainly organised on the basis of faculties and schools.
More information on UM can be found on the internetsite www.maastrichtuniversity.nl.

Reason for the Tender Procedure
At Maastricht University a scaled-down version of the future Einstein Telescope is under construction. This is the ETpathinder project (https://www.etpathfinder.eu/). For this project Maastricht University needs a helium-flow precooling system.

Description of the Contract
The helium-flow precooling loop will need to provide a supercritical high-pressure helium flow at a temperature of around 6 K which in the main tower is subsequently led through the three heat exchangers. The helium-flow will need to be established in a loop, driven by a circulator pump.

Purpose and intended result of the Tender Procedure
The purpose of this Tender Procedure is to enter into an Agreement with one party.

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Sealed without Preselection
Offer phase:
21 Apr 2022 18:00 — 8 Jun 2022 12:00


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