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(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

159478 Dynamic Purchasing System - Expertise for the Control Room of the Future program


TenneT TSO B.V. http://www.tennet.eu
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Matthijs Janssen

+31 (88) 936 8831



TenneT is the Transmission System Operator (TSO) for the electricity power grid in the Netherlands and in a significant part of Germany. TenneT will renew the (IT) systems that it uses for controlling and balancing its grids in the period 2021 - 2031. In connection with this renewal, TenneT expects to be needing extensive external expertise, related to existing and new technologies and ways of working, in particular related to the challenges that TenneT faces in the energy transition. Compared to current ways of working, innovations will be needed to handle e.g. the increasing infeed of solar and wind energy that is far more difficult to predict and control than traditional generation.

The subject of this tender is a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for 'Expertise for the Control Room of the Future program and adjacent subjects'. In particular, this refers to expertise (including the development of algorithms and IT Tools) related to the control and balancing of the electricity transmission grid as operated by TenneT:
  • Expertise that will advise TenneT in a solution neutral manner, helping TenneT to determine its approach regarding one or more of the topics of this DPS; 
  • Expertise that will create and deliver concrete solutions (algorithms, IT-Tools) to TenneT regarding one or more of the topics of this DPS.

Initially, the DPS will consist of the following categories of expertise: 
  1. Power system control and monitoring.
  2. Energy platforms and interconnected IT systems
  3. Data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning
  4. System & process implementation

During the course of time, the specific assignments (contracts) under the DPS will be tendered for which all suppliers that have qualified for the particular category will be invited to submit an offer. 

Any interested supplier may at any moment during the lifetime of the DPS submit a request to be qualified for participating in the tenders for one or more of the categories of this DPS.
Your request will be accepted if it satisfies the applicable requirements and if you accept the stated conditions. Once you have qualified, you will automatically receive a notification when TenneT publishes a request for proposal for a specific subject within a category for which you have qualified.

TenneT emphasises that it would also like to attract small and medium sized companies to this DPS. 

Qualification requests will be processed by TenneT in the sequence of receipt. TenneT will inform you as soon as possible and strives to do so within 10 working days from the date of receipt about the acceptance or rejection of your qualification request. 

During the lifetime of the DPS, TenneT will be entitled to add new categories, to close existing categories, and to split-up existing categories in to one or more categories.

Read this - How to choose qualifications.pdf 103 Kb



Qualification System


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