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Rijksuniversiteit Groningen http://www.rug.nl
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Diane van der West

050 363 7348



The scope of this contract is the purchase of a XPS/ARPES UHV system for performing XPS as well as ARPES measurements for
2D materials, solids as well as organic-inorganic interfaces. The new XPS/ARPES UHV system will replace an existing XPS/UPS setup and thus, needs to be adapted to our current UHV setup consisting of a preparation chamber and an analysis chamber (housing an STM chamber and the "old" XPS/UPS chamber).
The new system should consist of the following components:
  • An electron analyzer (lens acceptance angle +/- 15°, angular resolution <0.1° for 0.1 mm spot size,  energy resolution <3 meV FWHM at 2 eV pass energy and 20 eV kinetic energy)
  • Non- monochromatic UV source
  • Non- monochromatic twin anode (Al/Mg) X-ray source
  • 4 axes high precision motorized manipulator with the possibility to anneal the samples up to 1600 °C, and LN2 cooling.
  • A new UHV chamber for housing the above mentioned instruments. It needs to be adjusted to our existing setup including the pumping configuration for all the system/components.
  • The hard- and software for operating the electron analyzer and the UV- and X-ray source and for performing XPS and ARPES measurements.
The system should be operational for the next 15 years. Support and software updates for a time period of 10 years are part of the agreement.
The following components are outside the scope of the contract:
  • Maintenance of the XPS/ARPES system.

Sealed without Preselection
Published on:
14 Nov 2018 11:40
Offer phase:
14 Nov 2018 11:30 — 21 Jan 2019 13:00


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