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112275 Mobile Stations incl rapid response services


TenneT TSO B.V. http://www.tennet.eu
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Mats Horstink

+31 (0)6 11 30 82 98



The aim of the mobile station is to replace an existing substation and restore/continue the supply of electricity in the Netherlands in a rapid time frame.

For TenneT it is important to have mobile stations that cover multiple voltage levels (from 380kV - 500MVA downwards), are flexible and can be deployed rapidly to continue/restore the electricity supply in The Netherlands. A mobile station has easy transportable components mounted on skids, trailers or in containers in the form of ready-to-connect, complete assemblies. When deployed on site it is capable of providing grid connections through its switching capability and enables (temporary) power delivery between different voltage levels.

The contract covers the design, build, maintainance and operation (quick response, 24/7, and Dutch speaking) of the mobile stations.

The information above is high level, no rights may be derived from it.

The grid for the transmission of high voltage electricity and its control centres are considered as vital infrastructure in the Netherlands. Measures to protect and safeguard the grid from sabotage, acts of terrorism and other detrimental actions have been implemented in Dutch laws and regulations. These include amongst others required security clearances prior to being granted access to the grid and sensitive information related thereto, and denying certain companies and organizations access to the tender procedure if they originate from or are related to countries which are not a party to the Agreement on Government Procurement ("GPA") (Overeenkomst inzake overheidsopdrachten (T rb. 1994, 235)). In view of the above, (Prospective) Candidates must accept the following:
  • all provided tender information and document will be treated with the highest confidentiality;
  • all provided tender information and document will not be distributed to third parties, unless this is necessary for the offered supplies. In case information and documents are provided to a third party candidate / tenderer will arrange that this party will sign an NDA;
  • no copies of the provided tender information and documents will be made, unless this is necessary for the offered supplies.
  • Candidate / tenderer will sends a signed versie of the attached NDA to the following email: mats.horstink@tennet.eu
  • Companies (including its subcontractors and consortium members) originating from or related to
    countries which are not a party to the Agreement on Government Procurement ("GPA") will be
    excluded from participating in this tender.). Candidate / tenderer will send a copy of the camber of commerce registration, no more that 6 months old to the above mentioned email adres. 
This confidentiallity clause applies to the whole tender procedure (selection phase, initial proposal, negotiation and BAFO phase) and will stay in force after the tender has ended.

After approval of the NDA and check on the GPA criterium the candidate / tenderer will be added to the tender in Negometrix.

112275 NDA Mobile Station.docx 121 Kb



112275 NDA Mobile Station (version 15-2-2019).docx 122 Kb



Sealed with Preselection
Selection phase:
7 Feb 2019 23:00 — 18 Mar 2019 13:00


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