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(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

119423 EU-376 ICT Infrastructure and workplace hardware


TenneT TSO B.V. http://www.tennet.eu
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Rogier van der Woning

+31 6 50092034



Object of this tender is to contract market parties that can offer and deliver all ICT Infrastructure and workplace hardware that TenneT TSO B.V. and TenneT TSO GmbH expects to use in the coming years.

The tender will be divided into the following 3 lots:
Lot 1 Servers and Storage
Framework agreement with 1 reseller (2 years + 3 optional extensions of each 2 years) for 
  • replacing and expanding existing hardware for installed base. Pricing will be based upon a minimum discount % per existing hardware brand.
  • performing bid procedures between A-brand vendors (according to Magic Quadrant of Gartner or equivalent) based on functional requirements. 

Lot 2: Network components and firewalls
Framework agreement with 1 reseller (2 years + 3 optional extensions of each 2 years) for 
  • replacing and expanding existing hardware for installed base. Pricing will be based upon a minimum discount % per existing hardware brand.
  • performing bid procedures between A-brand vendors (according to Magic Quadrant of Gartner or equivalent) based on functional requirements. 

Lot 3: Workplace hardware
Framework agreement with 2 resellers (2 years + 3 optional extensions of each 2 years). Both resellers will be invited during the contract term to perform bid procedures between A-brand vendors (according to Magic Quadrant of Gartner or equivalent) based on functional requirements.
Sealed with Preselection
Selection phase:
3 Dec 2020 15:00 — 25 Jan 2021 12:00


Lot 1 - Servers and Storage  
Lot 2 - Network components and firewalls  
Lot 3 - Workplace hardware  


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