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124306 Project Collaboration System - Cosy


TenneT TSO B.V. http://www.tennet.eu
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Achraf Talhaoui

+31 618479630



TenneT plans to purchase and implement a Project Collaboration System (Cosy). The system must be a Public Cloud multitenant SaaS solution.

The goal of this tender is to conclude an Agreement with one supplier for delivery, implementation and support of a Public Cloud Project Collaboration System for both TenneT TSO B.V. as for TenneT TSO GmbH.

The primary objective of the project " Implementation of the new Project Collaboration system is to select and implement a new collaboration platform for the (large) offshore and or onshore projects to efficiently and effectively manage the collaboration between the TenneT projectmembers and the contractors.
This new collaboration platform should decrease:
  • the review time by reviewers
  • time for system set-up, operation and maintenance by document managers
  • time needed for retrieving project status regarding approvals (gates), variations draft invoices for project managers (PM) and operational project leads (OPL)
  • time to generate contract overviews for financial project leads (FPL) and contract managers.
The new collaboration system should be:
  • intuitive to work with, perform well across the life time of a project with increasing numbers of users and documents and have an effective User Interface offering information needed for the task at hand. This is addressed in the Non Functional Requirements;
  • a standard solution, requiring no further customization for TenneT;
  • offered as a multitenant Public Cloud SAAS solution.
Sealed with Preselection
Selection phase:
20 Jun 2019 17:30 — 30 Jul 2019 14:00


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