- Description:
The reason for the European tender is the need to replace the old Cryo Transmission Electron Microscope. The microscope will become part of new developments in the department's existing cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) workflow, where high throughput data collection for cryo single particle analysis (SPA) as well as for cryo electron tomography (ET) are highly important:
- The overall setup will serve as development platform for 'fast tomography', where fast data collection, electron microscope control, fast image processing and high speed data storage are key ingredients.
- The instrument will act as a key component in various CLEM workflows, with seamless integration with LUMC and NECEN (Netherlands Centre for Electron Nanoscopy, Leiden, Netherlands) instrumentation.
- The instrument will be used to collect cryo electron tomograms of focused ion beam (FIB) milled lamella of biological material on LUMC internal projects.
- The instrument will also be used to acquire high resolution single particle data for SPA.
- The instrument will also be used as a screening instrument of specimen prior to data collection at the 300kV microscope setups at NeCEN.
- Furthermore, the instrument will serve as regional equipment for state of the art cryo tomographic and single particle data acquisition.
- Documents:
Discriptive document Cryo Electron transmission microscope.pdf 1218 Kb
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- Type:
- Sealed without Preselection
- Offer phase:
- 25 Jun 2019 14:00 — 23 Aug 2019 10:00