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127549 Offshore Grid NL - UXO Consultancy Services


TenneT TSO B.V. http://www.tennet.eu
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Carmen de Oude

+31 (6) 25 77 49 10



The law "Wind energy at Sea (Windenergie op Zee)" of July 1, 2015, intends to scale up wind energy in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. In this law TenneT TSO B.V. (hereafter Client) is the offshore grid operator. In this role the Client is responsible for engineering, procurement, installation, construction and operation of the connections between the offshore wind farms (through a converter platform) to the onshore network.
On March 27 2018 the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy introduced "Roadmap windenergie op zee 2030", hereafter Roadmap 2030. The Roadmap 2030 designates the following areas for wind energy in the Dutch North Sea:
Overview of designated wind areas in Roadmap 2030
Wind energy area                      Project                                  Abbreviation            GW
Hollandse Kust Noord                   Hollandse Kust Noord               HKN
Hollandse Kust (west)                  Hollandse Kust (west) Alpha      HKW alpha                0.7
Hollandse Kust (west)                  Hollandse Kust (west) Beta       HKW beta                  0.7
Ten noorden van                          Ten noorden van                     TNW                          0.7
de Waddeneilanden                      de Waddeneilanden
IJmuiden Ver                               IJmuiden Ver Alpha                  IJV alpha                   2
                                                  IJmuiden Ver Beta                   IJV beta                     2

For these projects TenneT needs UXO Consultancy services.

This call for tender concerns the need for UXO Consultancy services as described above.
Sealed without Preselection
Offer phase:
4 Sep 2019 13:30 — 7 Oct 2019 10:00


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