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(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

134596 Athos Request for Information (RFI)


Energie Beheer Nederland BV https://www.ebn.nl/
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Renée Beurmanjer linkedin

+31 (0) 6 40 87 25 60



The Athos Consortium (TATA Steel, Port of Amsterdam, Gasunie, EBN B.V)  is set up with the aim of exploring the development of a Carbon Capture Utilization, Transport and Storage system (CCUS) in the North Sea Canal Area (Noordzeekanaalgebied-NZKG).  The project is called Athos Project.
The Athos project has been initiated as a possible contribution to achieving the climate targets of the Dutch government, the ambitions under the Paris Agreement and the climate ambitions of the Athos Consortium.

EBN wants to explore the possibilities in the market for the technical, commercial and operational perspectives of the storage part and storage services by means of a market survey.

With this knowledge, EBN can make a well-founded decision about the desired service provision and whether implementation is feasible within set preconditions.

The market survey has an open character. All interested entrepreneurs are invited to respond based on the information provided in this market survey.
Sealed without Preselection
Offer phase:
13 Nov 2019 10:15 — 10 Jan 2020 17:00


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