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144921 European Commission DPS for IT Consultancy in the field of Datacentre Operations (DIGIT/A3/PR/2019/028)



European Commission DPS for IT Consultancy in the field of Datacentre Operations (DIGIT/A3/PR/2019/028) was published on Tue 3 Mar 2020  and ended on Sat 2 Mar 2024 according to the details found in the relevant Contract Notice (available on TED).
The European Commission wishes to inform the market about the PROSERV DPS, which, while not meant to be a strict replacement of DPS for IT Consultancy in the field of Datacentre Operations , is a procurement procedure that will be used to source similar services. For more information on the PROSERV DPS and how it might offer opportunities for your expertise, please visit: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/tender-details/fce11b2a-c0ce-4c24-bad5-f7794b3918c3-PIN https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:197497-2023:TEXT:EN:HTML&tabId=1.

DPS Datacentre Operations Stage 1 procurement documents.zip 4825 Kb


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