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153214 Data Warehouse Automation Tool (DWA)


TenneT TSO B.V. http://www.tennet.eu
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Dick Slaats

+31 (26) 373 2930



TenneT is looking for Data Warehouse Automation (DWA) tool, with the capability of handmade objects and features. This DWA solution should benefit TenneT for at least 4 years while integrating the data warehouse to a big data store / data lake and scaling up to more source systems and multiple types of extraction techniques.

In the year 2020, early 2021 TenneT wants to select a new on-premise DWA solution. This includes the limited support at implementation and configuration of the tool as TenneT intends to do much itself, and 3rd line support and software maintenance.  

Important items for the desired future situation are:
  • The Datawarehouse Automation Tool (DWA) must run on-premise due to data security policies and therefore no cloud solution is allowed due to data confidentiality and classification.
  • Completely function on-premise at TenneT's location Arnhem
  • Onsite 3rd line support
  • Use files, RDBMS-ses, webservices and streams as a data-source
  • Generate, deploy and load towards an Oracle database (and other RDBMS-ses)
  • Can handle SAP S/4Hana as a source, possibly via interfacing or 3rd party software
  • Generate, deploy and load towards an Inmon 3NF historical layer
  • Generate, deploy and load from this historical layer towards Kimball structured objects
Sealed with Preselection
Selection phase:
17 Jul 2020 16:00 — 21 Sep 2020 12:00


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