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172164 Market consultation/Request for information for the purchase of radiation monitors concerning the national radiation monitoring network (NMR)


IUC-RIVM http://www.rivm.nl
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Ashwin Autar




In the upcoming months, the RIVM intends to purchase new radiation monitors for the NMR as replacement for the current monitors. This will be two different types of monitors:
  1. Several (approx. 10) alpha/beta air sample monitors.
  2. a Nuclide Specific aerosol Monitor (NSM) which is a highly accurate spectroscopic gamma air sample monitor with a low detection limit;

With this market consultation, the RIVM wants to gather information about the current state-of-the-art of the above described types of radiation monitors before putting out a tender. The consultation will be an open written market consultation, followed by a closed oral market consultation.
Sealed without Preselection
Offer phase:
11 Mar 2021 13:00 — 25 Mar 2021 14:00


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