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188849 Provision of Cost Estimation Services


PALLAS http://www.pallasreactor.com
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Belgin Yatikci




Stichting Voorbereiding PALLAS-Reactor is pleased to invite companies to fulfil the following requirements for the provision of Cost Estimatimation Services for the PALLAS Reactor and the Nuclear Health Centre (NHC) ('The PALLAS Programme').

PALLAS wishes to appoint a single contractor for this work package in accordance with European Public Tendering Law and choose Restricted European Tender Procedure  which consists of two stages: this Pre-Qualification phase (by Pre Qualification Questionary- PQQ) followed by the Tender phase (by Invitation to Tender-ITT).

The purpose of this Pre-Qualification enquiry is to identify those Applicants who are best qualified and experienced to perform the requisite work.

Scope of Work :

Cost Estimation Services for the PALLAS Programme
  • Risk assessment analysis for contingency cases on repetitive basis, including indexation exercises,
  • Assist the teams on change and claims process (capture the resultant),
  • Supporting Contract and Procurement department (C&P) in tendering process (cost estimation, claims support),
  • Supporting finance department and Project Management Office ( PMO) with monthly quarterly and annual financial reports,
  • Analyse the data with specific emphasis on trends and report to management,
  • Assist the project teams with Value Engineering,
  • Cost Management Support for all aspects of the Projects (optional)

The services will be performed in the Netherlands at PALLAS's premises.

PALLAS expects to award a framework contract (Master Service Agreement- MSA) in which the specific activities to be conducted are agreed as a series of work packages developed over the project lifecycle. Thus, PALLAS cannot guarantee that all of the services listed above will ultimately be required and PALLAS will also expect the successful candidate to carry out additional work of a similar nature should the need become apparent.
Sealed with Preselection
Selection phase:
24 Nov 2021 16:00 — 31 Dec 2021 23:59


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