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194041 Framework Agreement Soil Investigation - Offshore


TenneT TSO GmbH https://www.tennet.eu/de/
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Carina Winter

+49 921 50740 - 6256



TenneT is a leading European grid operator. We are committed to providing a secure and reliable supply of electricity 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, while helping to drive the energy transition in our pursuit of a brighter energy future - more sustainable, reliable and affordable than ever before. In our role as the first cross-border Transmission System Operator (TSO) we design, build, maintain and operate 24,500 kilometres of high-voltage electricity grid in the Netherlands and large parts of Germany, and facilitate the European energy market through our 16 interconnectors to neighbouring countries. We are one of the largest investors in national and international onshore and offshore electricity grids, with a turnover of EUR 6.4 billion and a total asset value of EUR 32 billion.

TenneT, as the offshore grid operator in the German as well as the Dutch part of the North Sea, is responsible for the design, fabrication, installation and operation of the grid connections (offshore high voltage stations) which will transport the wind energy generated offshore to shore.

On the basis of legal foundations, TenneT has had the mandate to establish and operate the grid connection for offshore wind farms in its transmission grid area in Germany since December 2016.
To ensure this mandate and security of supply, TenneT builds and operates offshore converter stations in the German Bight of the North Sea.
Due to the political and social consensus for an accelerated expansion of offshore wind energy use, numerous new offshore converter substations will have to be built in the future. In the course of tendering and planning the HVDC platforms, information about the subsoil are required as a basis for planning. For this purpose, geophysical and geotechnical subsoil investigations (in short: INVESTIGATION) must be carried out.

Number of candidates invited to participate in the negotiations: 3

Award criteria                                                                Weighing
Technical concept:                                                              35 %
Price:                                                                                35 %
Contractual conditions:                                                       20 %
SHE concept:                                                                     10 %

The selection of the candidates to be invited for negotiations after the submission of offers will be based on the above award criteria.
The evaluation of the subsequently finalized bids for the contract award will also be based on the above listed award criteria.
In order to protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the client in the tender documents, it is mandatory to conclude a confidentiality agreement as per "NDA" document provided for download (see below). To ensure equal treatment of all bidders, modifications are only possible in the yellow-marked areas of the NDA. Please send the signed and stamped copy to: carina.winter@tennet.eu and christopher.luther@tennet.eu

After a plausibility check, the client will grant the bidder access to the complete set of tender documents.
The bidder cannot deduce eligibility for participation only from signing the NDA. TenneT will only accept tenderers who successfully qualify during the call for competition phase to participate in the offer phase.
Please consider all documents provided on Negometrix.
The application for the call for competition must be submitted in due time and no later than by

                                   Mon 16 January 2023 

via the e-Award platform Negometrix. Individual extensions of time will not be granted.
Submission of the request to participate ist only permitted via Negometrix. A violation of this requirement will lead to the exclusion of the application in the tendering process.

Please make sure to familiarize yourself with the Planning section, Documents section, Messages section and the Q&A tool early enough.

Bidder - Fill out your offer in 10 Steps EN.pdf 1214 Kb



NDA - Framework Agreement Soil Investigation - Offshore.docx 90 Kb



Procedure guidelines.pdf 622 Kb



Sealed with Preselection
Published on:
6 Dec 2022 9:10
Selection phase:
5 Dec 2022 12:00 — 16 Jan 2023 17:30


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