- Description:
Royal Schiphol Group's mission for 2050 is 'Connecting Your World'. We are faced with a major challenge to constantly balance three major important qualities: Quality of Network, Quality of Life, and Quality of Service.
To realise our Vision 2050 and perform such a balancing act, Royal Schiphol Group concluded we needed to centralise the tougher innovation missions in what is now known as Royal Schiphol Group's Innovation Hub. In addition, Royal Schiphol Group aims to accelerate our transformation by rapidly scaling innovations in our operational environment, which is supported across our business units by Royal Schiphol Group's Scaling & Commercializing team.
In order to achieve our goals, to accelerate our transformation and to provide Business value for our airport and the whole aviation industry, we are looking for a long-term partner who will commit to our challenges and goals in order to co-create a better tomorrow.
Royal Schiphol Group wants to accelerate (explorative) innovation and scale impact to realize Vision 2050; from exploration to business value, leveraging the leading role in the sector by facilitating successful collaboration.
To achieve this, we are looking for a long-term partner that: - co-owns our innovation challenges,
- can support us (using different working methods) throughout the entire innovation journey from exploration to business value,
- can add the right capabilities at any point either by doing so themselves or via third parties in the ecosystem.
For to be determined projects, the future partner works along side our way-of-working: from ideation to commercialization and scale-up (including implementation and sourcing, if applicable). Joint decisions can be made based on a shared business case (benefits/costs, risk and investment).
IMPORTANT NOTICE It is required to "Participate" (or "Aanmelden") in the tender to be able to see all documentation and upload the Application documents.
Procurement Regulations for the Utilities Sectors 2016 (ARN2016) The ARN2016 apply to this Procurement Procedure.
Negometrix This tender will be done entirely digitally via Negometrix. For instructions on digitally offering in Negometrix, please see the following instructions: Instruction Register on Negometrix Instruction Question & Answer Instruction e-Tendering
- Documents:
1 - Introduction letter - Ecosystem orchestrator for Moon and Mars Innovation.pdf 149 Kb
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2 - European Tender - Ecosystem orchestrator for Moon and Mars Innovations - Selection Guidelines.pdf 751 Kb
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- Type:
- Sealed with Preselection
- Selection phase:
- 2 Mar 2022 0:00 — 16 May 2022 11:59