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195609 Development and project services for developing EEG/KWKG Portal (LIMA) (EU404-03)


TenneT TSO GmbH https://www.tennet.eu/de/
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Maximilian Friedrich

+49 (0)921 50740-2553



The EEG (Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz ) and the KWKG (Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetz) are the primary energy policy instruments for the support of electricity generation from renewable energy sources and electricity generation with joint thermal use in Germany.
TenneT TSO GmbH is obliged to fulfill the regulations which enables and supports the financial processing of the statutory levies (EEG, KWKG, § 19 StromNEV (Stromnetzentgeltverordnung), OHU (Offshore-Haftungsumlage) & AbLaV (Abschaltbare-Lasten-Umlage)) and subsidies (EEG, KWKG, § 19 StromNEV). This is done via the EEG portal which shall now be exchanged by an up-to-date application (more information concerning the current solution under https://www.tennet.eu/electricity-market/german-market/eeg-kwkg/).

Due to outdated frameworks in the existing solution (more information under https://www.tennet.eu/electricity-market/german-market/eeg-kwkg/) as well as high cost, time and resource burdens, a new portal is under construction by an internal development team. The laborious development process makes that the deadlines for replacement are under pressure and TenneT TSO GmbH is seeking for development and project services to speed up the development and delivery process. Additionally agile expertise is required to help the whole project organization to deliver faster.

Additional information concerning the scope can be found in the scope document unter question 1.1.2 (under "Surveys"). The up-to-date schedule can be found under "Planning".

As the time planning is ambitious, we would like you to already reserve time slots for conducting the interviews between 09th - 12th May.
Sealed without Preselection
Published on:
24 Jun 2022 9:11
Offer phase:
25 Apr 2022 14:45 — 4 May 2022 20:00


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