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197328 System integration services and 2GW DCS framework & library project


TenneT TSO GmbH https://www.tennet.eu/de/
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Anna Schreiber

+49 (921) 50740 - 6844



1. General information
With the 2GW Program TenneT has initiated the process to increase the pace and efficiency of TenneT grid connection systems to achieve the targets of the energy transition through innovation and standardization. For this several 2GW Offshore Grid Connection Systems are planned to be built in the Netherlands and in Germany.

As part of IT/OT standardisation for the 2GW program the Employer wants to implement a standardised solution based on a DCS concept for the Auxiliary Control System and Auxiliary HMI/SCADA system that control and monitor the auxiliary systems installed on these 2GW Offshore Grid Connection Systems. It includes also a TenneT-supplied standard system set-up, framework and library and also the implementation of guidelines for third party contractors which describes how to implement this in 2GW GCS projects.

For this purpose of standardisation of auxiliary systems automation, a standard 2GW DCS framework and library project is initiated and System integration services are requested by the Employer to execute the project and provide all support for other aspects involved in executing the project. Furthermore after realisation, performing, maintenance and keeping the standard up to date is also necessary. Also the contractor has to support and validate the quality of implementation of this developed standard in projects implemented by third party contractors under the 2GW program.

The developed standard will be owned by the employer and shall be used by third party contractors for the realisation of the Auxiliary Control System and Auxiliary HMI/SCADA system with the DCS concept for all 2GW GCS.

This standard shall be developed for both the ABB 800xA DCS system and the Siemens PCS7 DCS system. With the main goal of achieving a setup which is equal in design, has as much as possible the same structuring, system set-up and look & feel to ensure a standardised realisation for all 2GW GCS.

The 2GW DCS framework and library project shall be developed based on an agile approach, within an aligned and fixed time schedule, with thorough alignment with all relevant TenneT stakeholders. Thus the final deliverables are provided in time to the 2GW program for design and execution of the planned 2GW projects. Duration is estimated for 3 years (+5 times possibility for 1 year extension for a total of maximum of 8 years).

2. Tender documents
Below this description you will find the following freely accessible documents, which form an essential part of the tender documents.

3. Non-Disclosure Agreement
A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) should be concluded to protect the confidentiality of information from the employer in the tender documents.

Please use the document provided for download (2GW.00011-MA-One-Sided NDA.doc) and send a signed copy to the contact person listed in Negometrix.

In addition to checking the signed NDA, TenneT carries out a plausibility check to determine if the interested party has a legitimate interest in gaining access to the tender documents. Further information on this can be found in the procedural guide.
The documents which are stored under this text describes the procedural guide of the tender. Rules are also defined that the applicants/bidders must adhere to.

4. Eligibility Criteria
In order to be able to participate in the tender, interested parties must apply successfully and meet minimum criteria (participation criteria). A corresponding file that describes the relevant participation criteria is stored under the tab "Questionnaires 1."

5. Award/Evaluation criteria
The aim of the employer is to determine the most economically advantageous tender within the framework of the award procedure and to commission the relevant bidder with the provision of the service.
The determination of the profitability and the description of the award criteria is described in the document stored below.

2GW.00001-MA-Evaluation Criteria (MEAT)_2GW System integration services.pdf 291 Kb



2GW.00011-MA-One-Sided NDA.docx 204 Kb



Bidder - Fill out your offer in 10 Steps EN.pdf 1214 Kb



Specifications for the preparation of offers.pdf 143 Kb



Verfahrensleitfaden DE v2 (2).pdf 231 Kb



Verfahrensleitfaden EN v2 (2).pdf 223 Kb



Sealed with Preselection
Published on:
15 Apr 2022 9:10
Selection phase:
15 Apr 2022 8:00 — 20 May 2022 11:00


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