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216265 Cost Sharing Validation


TenneT TSO GmbH https://www.tennet.eu/de/
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Alvaro Alvaro Bicas Franco

+49 (921) 50740 - 6546



This tender concerns the plan to develop a tool which allows the (partial) automation of the validation process for redispatching and countertrading costs resulting from international processes. Starting with April 2025 a cost sharing process will go live which is covering the whole capacity calculation region (CCR) Core, consisting of 16 transmission system operators (TSOs) from 13 countries.

Eligible for this cost sharing process are redispatching and countertrading measures resulting from the regional operational security coordination (ROSC) with an estimated volume of over 5 billion euro per year for the German-Luxembourg bidding zone. The calculation method applied for the cost sharing process is completely new and is based on the polluter pays principle. To be able to identify the polluters, meaning the TSOs causing the congestions in the Core CCR, several calculation sub-steps need to be executed. The calculation method is much more complex than the current approach. On request of the Core TSOs, these calculations will be performed by regional coordination centers (RCCs), Coreso and TSCNET using a central tool/platform. The monthly validation of the calculation results (the cost and revenues assigned to the TSOs) remains TSO responsibility and has to be finalized within maximum 20 working days.

Due to this, TenneT sees the urgent need to automatize the validation process as far as possible. Therefore, TenneT plans to develop a validation tool which allows, in a first step, a partial automation of the validation process within the German-Luxembourg bidding zone. The process shall be further automated, based on the experience gained and on the data gathered after the go-live. TenneT developed a basic validation concept and is in contact with other TSOs seeing the need for an automation of the process. It is considered as very likely that other TSOs will use the validation tool and therefore will participate in the development process. The most probable approach is a German 4TSO cooperation between Amprion, TransnetBW, 50 HzT and TenneT.

The goal of this tender is to contract one (1) market party for all products and/or services in scope. 

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Restricted with BAFO-phase
Published on:
21 Feb 2023 9:11
Selection phase:
20 Feb 2023 9:00 — 21 Mar 2023 12:00


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