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222555 Market Consultation - Replacement of the Medium Sized Harbour, seagoing capable, Tugs (MSHT) of the Royal Netherlands Navy


Ministerie van Defensie http://www.defensie.nl
Lead buyer
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In Den Helder the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) operates one (1) harbour/seagoing tug and two (2) smaller tugboats in and out of its naval base. There is a need for replacement of these tugs because of the upcoming End Life of Type (ELOT). The RNLN is planning to replace these ships with three (3) Medium Sized Harbour, seagoing capable, Tugs (MSHT).

The Materiel and IT Command (COMMIT), on behalf of the RNLN, is preparing a tender for the replacement of the harbour/seagoing tug and smaller tugboats. Before publishing this tender, the COMMIT has decided to consult the market first. The purpose of this consultation is two-fold. On one hand to inform the market of the upcoming acquisition of the replacement of the harbour/seagoing tug and smaller tugboats. On the other hand to determine the extent of the supplier's market and to explore the market's potential to meet the replacement need of the RNLN.

The information obtained from the consultation will be used in the decision making process how the COMMIT will proceed with the acquisition process of the aforementioned replacement of the harbour/seagoing tug and smaller tugboats of the RNLN. This could include defining the best suitable purchasing strategy.

Organizations with relevant experience and knowledge are invited to participate in this market consultation.


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