- Description:
Stichting Voorbereiding PALLAS-reactor
Stichting Voorbereiding PALLAS-Reactor has awarded the EPC / EPCM for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the Nuclear Island (DNI) and is pleased to invite Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the supply of Information Systems Integration to assist it with the development of an integrated lifecycle management system supporting project management, engineering, construction and operations, and including: • Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) including such processes as configuration management, documents and records, maintenance, inspections; • management of contractor deliverables and data; • condition monitoring and planning of condition-based maintenance; • ongoing optimisation of the plant design and the operational processes through modelling and simulations based on ALM data; • operator training and development; and, potentially • operations management including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
- Type:
- Sealed with Preselection
- Selection phase:
- 27 Apr 2018 9:00 — 15 Jun 2018 17:00