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97186 Preclinical Trial Services


Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht http://www.umcutrecht.nl
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Helma van Sprundel




UMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd. are partners in the iABC Project (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis). The Project is part of New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) program to develop new antibiotic treatments to manage chronic lung infections and will also establish the first European patient register for bronchiectasis, providing a platform to improve the quality of care for patients across Europe. The Project is funded by the European Commission through Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI and the EFPIA.
UMCU and Polyphor, together with other organisations participating in the Project have entered into a Grant agreement, number 115721 with the European Commission in respect of the Project. The Grant Agreement sets out the European Union's financial contribution to the Project and the various rights and obligations in respect of the undertaking of the Project
Part of the Project is testing of compounds on animals. The purpose of this Tender is for UMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd. to select and contract One Supplier for the Preclinical Trial Services for Murepavadin, (POL7080).

In compliance with the regulatory requirements for clinical studies, inhalation toxicology will be performed for Murepavadin (POL7080). Murepavadin is a new antibiotic in development to manage chronic lung infections. The inhalation toxicology will include dose-range finding studies and (GLP-compliant) 28-day studies in the mouse as a rodent and cynomolgus monkey as a non-rodent model.

Instructions on ' digital offering' in Negometrix
By following this link  https://support.negometrix.com/en/support/solutions/articles/9000092067-how-does-e-tendering-work-for-suppliers-  an instruction document will open on how e-tendering works and how to submit a digital offer.

Sealed without Preselection
Offer phase:
1 Oct 2018 16:00 — 12 Nov 2018 8:00


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