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Main contact person:
User Photo

Ted Soepboer linkedin

(929) 217 0113



Demo: Negometrix Inc.

Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN): 02228173 1220

Tax number: 0256123.1532


Default address:

81 Prospect St. Brooklyn

Negometrix Inc.

11201 NY

United States (US)

This policy is adopted to promote the following purposes:
A. To simplify, clarify, and modernize the procurement practices used by the Leon County Board of County Commissioners.
B. To promote the continued development of professional and equitable procurement policies and practices.
C. To promote public confidence in the purchasing procedures followed by Leon County.
D. To ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all persons who deal with the procurement system of this Procurement Department
E. To encourage the growth of small and minority businesses through the promotion of an atmosphere conducive to the development and maintenance of small,minority and women owned business participation in the County's procurement system.
F. To maximize economy in this Region's procurement activities and to maximize to the fullest extent practicable the purchasing value of public funds of Leon County.
G. To provide safeguards for the maintenance of a procurement system of quality and integrity in our Region
Linked document(s):

NYStateProcurementGuidelines.pdf 405 Kb



PnpDiscretionaryThresholds.pdf 48 Kb



Purchasing policy table

Bid - Competitive sealed bids
Informal bids - lower impact (1 Template)
Competitive sealed bids - Section 5.08 (1 Template)
Bid - Informal Bid Process – Standard
Strategic - low impact (1 Template)
Section 5.07 (1 Template)
Bid – Informal Bid Process for Tenant Renovations/Improvements to County Space Leased by Private Entities (1 Template)
Approval of county commisioners (0 Templates)
Purchasing quotes
Field quotes/ small purchases (0 Templates)
Focussed - low impact (1 Template)
Focussed - medium impact (1 Template)
Focussed - high impact (1 Template)
Janitorial services (1 Template)
Transactional - low impact (1 Template)
Transactional - medium impact (1 Template)


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