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133307 Provision of a Platform Supply Vessel


TenneT TSO GmbH https://www.tennet.eu/de/
Lead buyer
Contact person:
User Photo

Dominik Schellhase

+49 5132 89-2933



TenneT is looking for reliable, trustworthy and highly professional providers of DP2-compliant Platform Supply Vessels (PSV) to conclude a contract for the duration of 3 years plus extensions.

The bidders are to provide and operate an appointed PSV and the respective Crews and carry out the supply runs of cargo to our offshore platforms in the German and Dutch North Sea. The PSV is required as the elementary part of the logistics chain in connection with the maintenance activities of the offshore sections of the grid connection systems in the North Sea. This is intended to ensure the provision of the Client's platforms with material, food and consumables as well as for disposal services, in scheduled and unscheduled cases. Primarily certified containers, break bulk cargo and various liquids will be loaded onto the vessel. The start and end point of the tours is the port of Emden. This is where the Client's goods will be delivered and transferred to the vessel. All loading and unloading activities are within the area of responsibility of the Client's contract partner for the seaport.

Award criteria:
"Technical concepts & Availability" / weighting: 35%
"Contract Conditions" / weighting: 25%
"SHE (Safety, Health, Environment)" / Weighting: 5%
"Price" / weighting: 35%

Duration of contract: 36 months (up to 60 months upon possible extension(s))

Number of candidates per lot invited to participate in the negotiations: 3
The selection of the 3 candidates to be invited for negotiations after the submission of offers will be based on the above award criteria. The evaluation of the subsequently finalized bids for the contract award will also be based on the above award criteria.

In order to protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the client in the tender documents, it is mandatory to conclude a confidentiality Agreement as per "NDA" document provided for download (see below). Please send the signed and stamped copy to: Dominik.Schellhase@tennet.eu.
After a plausibility check, the client will grant the bidder access to the complete set of tender documents. 

After signing the NDA you will be admitted to the tender via Email/Message. After registering for the tender at Neogmetrix, you will find all tender documents for the call for competition phase as well as the offer phase under "Questionnaires", section "Call for Competition", question 1.1.1.

The bidder can not deduce eligibility for participation only from signing the NDA. TenneT will only accept tenderers who successfully qualify during the call for competition phase to participate in the offer phase. 

The application for the call for competition must be submitted in due time and no later than by
                                05.11.2019 at 14:00 CET
via the e-Award platform Negometrix.
Individual extensions of time will not be granted.

Submission of the request to participate (applications) by Email, post or fax are not permitted. A violation of this requirement will lead to disqualification of the tenderer.

Please make sure to familiarize yourself with the sections "Schedule", "Questionnaires" and "Q&A", as well as the Messages section and the early enough. 

The Summaries of the Questionnaires for the call for competition phase as well as the offer phase are accessible hereunder via pdf-file. The Questionnaire itself can only be conducted after providing the NDA and registering for this tender.

Annex 9_NDA.pdf 89 Kb



Bidder - Fill out your offer in 10 Steps EN.pdf 1204 Kb



Bieter - Angebot ausfüllen in 10 Schritten.pdf 1246 Kb



Guideline SCL TenneT (ENG)_final.pdf 305 Kb



Info memorandum PSV (Call for competition phase).pdf 193 Kb



Procedural Guide PSV (Offer phase).pdf 80 Kb



Questionnaire 133307 PSV - Call For Competition.pdf 117 Kb



Questionnaire 133307 PSV - Offer phase.pdf 117 Kb



Sealed with Preselection
Published on:
2 Oct 2019 17:15
Selection phase:
2 Oct 2019 23:59 — 5 Nov 2019 14:00


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